The Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition

The Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition relies on energetic people like you who are interested in volunteering in Los Angeles. We need volunteers primarily to serve our six-course nightly buffet meal (from 5:45-8:30pm), to help prepare the meal in our modern kitchen (from 2:30-6:30 pm), and to pick up donated food (one to two hours, at variable times).

If you are a reliable driver with a valid license and insurance, and you want to volunteer by picking up food on an as-needed basis, please email us with your name and contact information.

Skills Needed to Volunteer in Los Angeles with the GWHFC:

You already have everything you need: the desire to volunteer for an hour or two, to get along with your fellow volunteers, and to give unreservedly of yourself to those in serious need. Doing what we do isn't hard, but the more of us there are to do it, the easier it is. The more, the merrier!

New Volunteers:

If you haven't heard from a GWHFC representative within two days of booking a date and time above, please email us so that we can brief you in detail before you make your first appearance.


To volunteer to cook or serve, please click here to select a date and time.

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